November 4, 2021 at 6:18 am · techteam · Comments Off on Coats Against the Cold 2021
Coats Against the Cold 2021
When the cold of winter arrives in North Texas, most of us can just turn up the thermostat, and throw on a warm coat to keep ourselves comfortable when we leave the house. Many in our community don’t have that luxury. If you were homeless, living out of a car, or struggling to make ‘ends meet,’ the solution is not so simple. While we can’t solve all those issues, we can help by sharing the rich blessings we have received.
Methodist Men invite all to join in supporting less fortunate families with children, the homeless, and others in need as winter weather ‘knocks at our door.’ And we encourage you to invite your neighbors to join our Coats Against the Cold initiative. Our goal this year is to provide some 200 new coats to underprivileged children, and to collect and distribute over a thousand ‘gently used’ coats, sweaters, hoodies, gloves and other cold weather clothing items. We can easily meet these goals with the help of every member of our Church Family, and the assistance of our neighbors, and our friends. We warmly welcome the participation of all as we seek to share God’s blessings with those who need our help!Donations can be monetary or cold weather clothing. To give online, please click here. Donations (cold weather clothing or monetary) can also be dropped off at the church (1000 Church Street, Colleyville, Texas 76034) during office hours (Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or on Sunday morning. The collection will end on December 20, 2021. Thank you for your support!
Categories: Adults, Community Events, Featured, Missions