In Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginner’s Guide to Holy Week, author, professor, and biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine explores the biblical texts surrounding the Passion story. She shows us how the text raises ethical and spiritual questions for the reader, and how we all face risk in our Christian experience.
Join Kaleidoscope small group for a six week Lenten bible study. The group will meet Tuesdays, 7:00-8:15pm, beginning February 28 and going through April 6. You can participate in person at the church or virtually through Zoom.
More children than ever are in need. FUMC Colleyville’s men’s group is on a mission to give new or good quality coats to kids in need in our community. While our primary focus is on children’s coats, we are also collecting good used or new adult winter clothing or coats which we will distribute to community organizations that serve that clientele.
You can help by dropping off coats at the church office during office hours (Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm) or make a donation by clicking HERE. Please make sure to note in the comments that your donation is for Coats Against the Cold.
October 3, 2022 at 3:50 pm
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Click here to view the silent auction items available for online bidding.
Please join us at FUMC Colleyville’s annual Holiday Extravaganza. The Extravaganza features delicious barbecue, a bake sale, silent auction, and craft fair. A children’s room is available, staffed by our Director of Children’s and Family Ministry, if you’d like to shop child-free!
All proceeds from the auction and the Holiday Extravaganza support the missions and ministry of the church. Come kick off the season and get into the holiday spirit at the Extravaganza!
Free parking available on-site.
August 23, 2022 at 7:18 pm
·techteam·Comments Off on Men’s Bible Study
We begin our next series on Wednesday, September 7 at 7 pm in FL204. We will be focusing on the differences between religious and scientific views. We will take a deeper dive than is normally taken in these sessions. They will be at times controversial and hopefully generate lots of discussion. Mike envisions it will lay out something like this.
1. Two sessions from Mike’s unpublished personal writings on Genesis 1-11, probably time restricted to Genesis 1-2. Will include Genesis 1-11 comments into #2 below.
2. Six sessions from the series “Is Genesis History?” DVD and Leader Guide (Calvinist Creationists)
3. ~8 sessions on subtopics using Great Courses Science and Religion DVD and Leader Guide (Balanced between Creationism and Science)
4. Mike will use the Complete Jewish Bible, the Commentary on the Torah, and other Jewish (including Messianic) sources to the maximum extent possible.
Please join us. All you have to do is let Mike know you wish to attend. Please give him your name, email address, and cell phone number. Hope to see you. Mike’s email is
August 22, 2022 at 4:19 pm
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Please join us in the event center for the Mission and Ministry Fair on Sunday, September 11 between services. Enjoy a light brunch while meeting people and gathering information about the various ministry and mission opportunities within our church.
August 2, 2022 at 9:58 am
·techteam·Comments Off on Project Read Volunteer Opportunity
Do you want to be involved in our community and help a child to read? Then our Project Read program at Glenhope Elementary School may be the right fit for you! After a two year hiatus due to COVID, we are restarting this volunteer opportunity. In past years of the program, the principal of Glenhope Dr. Wynette Griffin reported that the average test scores for Kinder through 2nd grade at Glenhope outpaced the average test scores for the district, and she said that our FUMCC volunteers who faithfully read with their students, some who face difficult challenges, greatly contributed to their success.
Project Read volunteers are partnered with a student to provide 30 minutes of one-to-one tutoring each week from October through May during school hours. It is expected that volunteers may miss an occasional week due to vacations, etc.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions and our volunteer sign up form below. Please contact Patty Shaw at if you have any additional questions.
Q: When does the program start and what days of the week are volunteers needed?
A: Teachers need a few weeks to identify who needs extra reading practice. Our goal is to have volunteers matched up with students by late September so that tutoring is up and running by October. Most teachers need volunteers on Tuesdays, but you may also serve Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Most teachers prefer to not have students out of class for tutoring on Mondays.
Q: Do I need to be a certified teacher to be a Project Read volunteer?
A: No, but you are required to complete the online GCISD volunteer registration and background check process and the United Methodist Ministry Safe training before arriving for your first tutoring session. Contact FUMCC’s Associate Pastor for Families, Stella Cho if you require Ministry Safe training. Stella is also planning an optional tutor training to be held in September.
Q: Can I volunteer more than 30 minutes a week?
A: Yes! Though each student will only be able to spend 30 minutes outside of class in the program, you can volunteer to help more than one child. Also, Glenhope’s Gatorville program (an enrichment program schedule for Friday afternoons) needs volunteer teachers for its 6 to 8 week classes. Let Patty Shaw know if you have an interest in teaching a Gatorville class and the skill or topic you wish to teach and she will get you in touch with the appropriate person at Glenhope ES.
Q: I have out of town trips scheduled throughout the year. Can I still be a Project Read volunteer?
A: Yes! Once you are assigned a student, you will work directly with the teacher regarding any scheduling issues. If you will be unable to be at school for many weeks in a row, you will need to inform Patty Shaw so that she can assign another tutor to help your student. Note that there will be weeks during the school year when tutors will not be allowed on campus due to state mandated testing.
Q: Am I required to be vaccinated and boosted against Covid? Am I required to wear a mask?
A: At this time, GCISD does not require volunteers to be vaccinated, boosted, nor to wear a mask. However per CDC guidelines, these are all recommended when inside with others. Volunteers are expected to self-report and stay away if symptomatic or test positive.
Q: I can’t volunteer during the school day; can I still be a Project Read volunteer?
A: Sadly, no. However, FUMC Colleyville’s Weekend Food program for Glenhope Elementary School may be able to use your time, talents, and gifts. Please contact Bob Straub at
July 26, 2022 at 3:55 pm
·techteam·Comments Off on Encanto Movie Night- Friday, August 5
On Friday, August 5th, we’ve got your Friday night date night or family night plans covered! As a part of our Encanto sermon series, we will host dinner and movie night from 6-8 p.m. on Friday, August 5th in the Event Center. We will cater Rosa’s tacos for dinner, and we will watch the new hit Disney movie Encanto together. Please RSVP by Wednesday August 3rd via the Facebook event, call the church office, or email Laura Herndon at , so we know how many to plan for.
May 31, 2022 at 10:51 am
·techteam·Comments Off on Women’s Summer Bible Study 2022
This year’s Women’s Summer Bible Study is Common Ground: Loving Others Despite our Differences by Amberly Neese. Conflict has always been part of our lives, but these days, disagreements seem ramped up, don’t they? Whatever the discord may be over, it feels as if we’re constantly having to choose sides. In Common Ground, a four-week study for women, author Amberly Neese shows us that the Scriptures hold the key to living at peace despite our differences. She combines stories of sibling rivalries from the Bible with personal experience, humor, hope, and her love of God’s Word to illustrate how we can have peace and reconciliation in all our relationships—all while reassuring us that it’s possible to find common ground with everyone–despite our differences.
Our Bible Study will meet Monday June 20-July 18 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. This Bible Study will be a hybrid format, which means you can participate in-person or online via Zoom. Those who meet in person will gather in FL204 at the church. All participants will receive a Common Ground participant book. Please click here to sign up.