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    1000 Church Street, Colleyville, TX 76034
    Christmas Cantata 1

    Children and Families

    All Programs for Children

    We offer Nursery and Children’s Church during our two services at 9 a.m. and 11:11 a.m. Nursery is available for newborns through preschoolers. Children’s Church is available for children in preschool through 5th grade.

    Additional notes:

    Nursery is for newborns through preschool age.

    Children’s Church will be held in the Kids Connect room and is for preschool through 5th grade. We will dismiss for Children’s Church from service after the Children’s Sermon.

    Sunday School Classes

    There is a class for parents, as well as Sunday School for kids enrolled in kindergarten through 5th grade. The nursery will also be available for younger children during this time. You are welcome to join these new classes during the 10 a.m. hour on Sunday. Both meet in the children’s wing.

    Reach out to Ms. Stella, , for more information.

    Children’s Church (Ages 4 through 5th Grade)

    Children’s Church is available during both the 9:00 and 11:11 Services. The children will meet Miss Stella at the back of the Sanctuary or Event Center immediately following the Children’s Sermon.

    In Children’s Church we focus on learning the Bible stories and lessons from the current sermon series so that kids and their parents have a shared experience for discussions at home. Miss Stella utilizes curriculum such as Godly Play to provide a learning environment that helps grow a relationship with God in each child’s unique way.


    Nursery care is available for children three and younger. If you would prefer to worship with your children, please know children are always welcome in any of our worship services. There’s no need to treat church like a library. We believe God put the giggles and wiggles into your child. Worshiping together as a family is one of the best ways to teach children about faith. A cry room is available during the traditional service at the back of the sanctuary. For contemporary worship, tables are set up at the back of the Event Center to allow families to sit together while giving children a space to color.

    Sparks Ministry (3rd Grade through 5th Grade)

    Sparks Ministry meets in the youth building at the same time as youth (4:30 to 6:00 pm). Fourth Sunday of each month (unless it’s a holiday weekend). Fun, food, games and fellowship.

    Annual Family Ministry Events

    In addition to regular children’s programming, our family ministry events offer the chance for families and the entire church to come together for a time of fellowship. Check the church calendar and Facebook page for details about upcoming family events and be sure to invite your friends and neighbors.

    March or April Easter Eggstravaganza
    July 22-25, 2024 Vacation Bible School
    August or September Summer Sunday
    October Community Trunk or Treat
    December Pancakes and Pajamas


    Assoicate Pastor for Families, Stella Cho will be happy to answer any questions about our children’s programs.


    Christmas Cantata 2