August 12, 2022 at 8:57 am · techteam · Comments Off on Mental Health and the Church- 11:11 Worship Series- August 14-September 11
Mental Health and the Church- 11:11 Worship Series- August 14-September 11
Recent news reports have shared that following 2+ years of a pandemic, we are now in the midst of a mental health crisis. While often not talked about, mental illness affects many of us either directly or through people we love. During this worship series, we will be talking about mental health issues like self-esteem, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and trauma, and we will discover how our faith and the church community can offer hope and healing amid our mental health struggles.
As a part of this worship series, we will offer QPR Training on Wednesday, September 14 from 7-8 p.m. in the Event Center. QPR- Question, Persuade, and Refer- is a suicide prevention training designed to give every person in our community the confidence and competence to help someone at risk for suicide. A representative from the Jordan Harris Foundation will conduct the training.
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