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Prayer Retreat
Prayer Retreat Kicks off Friday, March 31 with Synagogue Visit
As part of our Lenten Journey, you are invited to join Pastor Mike in a Prayer Retreat that will begin by attending the March 31st Shabbat service at Congregation Beth Israel from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM. This visit coincides with our very own Madeline Thach and Chancel Choir singing Mark Miller’s anthem, “I Believe” as part of the Shabbat service. Participants will note how the Sabbath is received as a gift and welcomed as a friend by our Jewish neighbors. We will consider what elements of Sabbath are missing from our spiritual lives and how we can incorporate them moving forward.
The Retreat will reconvene at FUMCC at 8AM Saturday morning, April 1, with a continental breakfast followed by the introduction and practice of different ways to pray and experience Scripture. We will conclude with a labyrinth prayer walk in the Event Center. The retreat will end at noon.
To register, please click HERE.
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