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Project Read Volunteer Opportunity
Do you want to be involved in our community and help a child to read? Then our Project Read program at Glenhope Elementary School may be the right fit for you! After a two year hiatus due to COVID, we are restarting this volunteer opportunity. In past years of the program, the principal of Glenhope Dr. Wynette Griffin reported that the average test scores for Kinder through 2nd grade at Glenhope outpaced the average test scores for the district, and she said that our FUMCC volunteers who faithfully read with their students, some who face difficult challenges, greatly contributed to their success.
Project Read volunteers are partnered with a student to provide 30 minutes of one-to-one tutoring each week from October through May during school hours. It is expected that volunteers may miss an occasional week due to vacations, etc.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions and our volunteer sign up form below. Please contact Patty Shaw at if you have any additional questions.
Q: When does the program start and what days of the week are volunteers needed?
A: Teachers need a few weeks to identify who needs extra reading practice. Our goal is to have volunteers matched up with students by late September so that tutoring is up and running by October. Most teachers need volunteers on Tuesdays, but you may also serve Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Most teachers prefer to not have students out of class for tutoring on Mondays.
Q: Do I need to be a certified teacher to be a Project Read volunteer?
A: No, but you are required to complete the online GCISD volunteer registration and background check process https://www.gcisd.net/community/volunteer_background_check and the United Methodist Ministry Safe training before arriving for your first tutoring session. Contact FUMCC’s Associate Pastor for Families, Stella Cho if you require Ministry Safe training. Stella is also planning an optional tutor training to be held in September.
Q: Can I volunteer more than 30 minutes a week?
A: Yes! Though each student will only be able to spend 30 minutes outside of class in the program, you can volunteer to help more than one child. Also, Glenhope’s Gatorville program (an enrichment program schedule for Friday afternoons) needs volunteer teachers for its 6 to 8 week classes. Let Patty Shaw know if you have an interest in teaching a Gatorville class and the skill or topic you wish to teach and she will get you in touch with the appropriate person at Glenhope ES.
Q: I have out of town trips scheduled throughout the year. Can I still be a Project Read volunteer?
A: Yes! Once you are assigned a student, you will work directly with the teacher regarding any scheduling issues. If you will be unable to be at school for many weeks in a row, you will need to inform Patty Shaw so that she can assign another tutor to help your student. Note that there will be weeks during the school year when tutors will not be allowed on campus due to state mandated testing.
Q: Am I required to be vaccinated and boosted against Covid? Am I required to wear a mask?
A: At this time, GCISD does not require volunteers to be vaccinated, boosted, nor to wear a mask. However per CDC guidelines, these are all recommended when inside with others. Volunteers are expected to self-report and stay away if symptomatic or test positive.
Q: I can’t volunteer during the school day; can I still be a Project Read volunteer?
A: Sadly, no. However, FUMC Colleyville’s Weekend Food program for Glenhope Elementary School may be able to use your time, talents, and gifts. Please contact Bob Straub at