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    1000 Church Street, Colleyville, TX 76034
    Day of Service-You are Needed! 1

    Missions and Community

    Missions and Community

    We are an outwardly focused church that engages the local community to reveal the life-changing impact of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Serving the World

    Family Empowerment Advocacy

    First United Methodist Church of Colleyville is a partner church to Helping Children Worldwide.   Helping Children Worldwide works to strengthen communities in Sierra Leone, one of the poorest countries in the world by supporting programs that provide vulnerable children and their families with opportunities for education, health care, vocational assistance, and spiritual mentoring.

    HCW underwrites programs, including Child Reintegration Centre (CRC) and Mercy Hospital, that are especially focused on education, family stability, maternal health, infant survival, and childhood nutrition.  HCW provides local leadership and programs the financial underwriting, training, technical advice they need, and assistance of long-term and short-term mission teams providing partnerships to build capacity.

    For more information, contact Sharon Gardner,

    UMCOR Sager Brown

    The UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Sager Brown Depot is the hub of UMCOR’s relief-supply operations. Each year, more than 2,000 volunteers prepare about $5 million in supplies for shipment to places around the world affected by disasters. UMCOR Sager Brown reaches out to its local neighbors through food distribution and housing rehabilitation projects, engaging volunteers in these projects that help families and the elderly. They also assist with building of ramps for older adults and people who disabled, work at Chez Hope, the local domestic violence shelter, in their thrift shop and volunteer at Matthew 25 International which conducts outreach work in countries such as Haiti, Peru and India. FUMC Colleyville hosts an annual adult mission trip to UMCOR Sager Brown in Baldwin, Louisiana.

    Serving the Community

    Coats Against The Cold

    United Methodist Men host an annual campaign between late October and early December to collect cold weather items (coats, jackets, sweatshirts, and hoodies) to be distributed to local agencies that support people who are homeless and families in need. The UMM will distribute collected clothing to GRACE, the Presbyterian Night Shelter, the Northside Inter-Community Agency (NICA), and the First Street Methodist Mission.

    Easter Eggstravaganza

    The annual community Easter egg hunt and pancake breakfast needs volunteers for stuffing eggs and cooking breakfast.

    Helping Hands

    This ministry is funded by the generosity of church members and gives financial assistance to local area residents of Colleyville, Grapevine, Hurst, Euless, Bedford, NRH, and Keller. If you are in need of assistance, please contact the Office Manager at 817-281-5254 or .

    Neighborhood Table

    The Neighborhood Table is a community meal on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Each month we invite and honor a different partner or group from the community. The meal is free to first-time guests and the people from our city and community we will honor each month.  Members of the church are encouraged to make the love offering of $7 per person (up to $20 per family).

    Project Read

    Project Read is an outreach ministry to serve struggling readers in local elementary schools within Grapevine-Colleyville ISD.  From late September through late May, volunteers meet with their assigned students once a week for 30 minutes during school hours under the direction of the student’s teacher.  The scheduled time is based on the student’s availability and teacher’s classroom schedule.  It is a fun and uplifting opportunity to connect with the community and to find your own blessings along the way. Volunteers must complete the GCISD Volunteer application process and background checks each school year.

    Feed Our Kids

    Women’s Mission and Fellowship coordinates a week of lunches to underserved children as part of the GRACE Feed Our Kids program.  During the first week of August, they prepare and distribute more than 600 lunches to kids in our community as well as weekend food bags for the families.

    Trunk or Treat

    The church hosts this community fall festival at Colleyville City Park. More than 1,000 people from Colleyville and the surrounding communities attend each year. Volunteers are needed to decorate trunks, hand out candy, and welcome guests.

    Weekend Meal Program

    Our church partners with FUMC Grapevine to provide weekend meals for children living in poverty in Grapevine-Colleyville ISD. Each school year we partner with five schools: Glenhope Elementary, Colleyville Heritage Elementary School, Cross Timbers Middle School, and Colleyville Heritage Middle School, and Colleyville Heritage High School. Each week a group in our church packs and delivers the meals to the school, so that no child in our school district has to go without food during the weekend.

    Project Transformation

    Project Transformation is a group that grew out of the Central Texas Conference, that works each summer to create leadership opportunities for college-age young adults, and engaging, educational summer programs for young students. While the young adults create additional programming for students centering on social/emotional learning and fun, our church comes alongside them and helps elementary students grow in their reading ability by reading with students for one week each summer.

    Serving the Church

    Children and Youth Volunteers

    Adult sponsors are needed for Sunday School and other youth and children’s activities. Background checks and training are required before volunteers can work with children or youth. Contact or to learn more.

    Congregational Care Team

    The Congregational Care team calls and visits members who are homebound or recovering from illness or surgery. If you’re interested in serving or would like to request a visit from a team member, .

    Hospitality Team

    Our hospitality team welcomes guests to the church and answers questions for visitors and members. To volunteer as a host or greeter, .

    Parking Lot Attendants

    Parking lot attendants greet people as they walk into the church and assist people who need helping getting out of their cars and into the building. To volunteer, .

    Prayer Team

    The prayer team meets weekly at 10:00 a.m. on Mondays to pray for the needs of the congregation, community and world. for information on joining the prayer team.


    will be happy to answer any questions about our mission programs.


    Day of Service-You are Needed! 2